“Yo amo mi ciudad” es un día de servicio a nuestra comunidad, donde a través de distintos actos de servicio toda la iglesia en conjunto demostramos nuestro amor por la Ciudad.

Aquí podrás ver las distintas iniciativas que realizaremos el Sábado 19 de Noviembre de 9:00 am-1:00 pm. Por favor le pedimos que solo elija una de las opciones ya que se realizaran simultáneamente.

Le estaremos enviando más información acerca del día de entrenamiento y los detalles del evento.

“I Love My City” is a day of service to our community, where through different acts of services, we demonstrate the love to our City.

Here you can see the different initiatives that we will be doing on Saturday, November 19th from 9:00 am-1:00 pm. Please, choose only one of the options as they will be done simultaneously.

We will be sending you more information about the training day and the details of the event very soon.


  1. Feeding the Homeless
  2. Community Outreach at Three Fountains
  3. Ronald MacDonald House
  4. San Jose Elementary School
  5. Terri Parker High School
  6. Hubbard House
  7. Kim’s Open Door
  8. Food Distribution (Orange Park)
  9. Special Needs Center (Orange Park)
  10. First Coast Womens Services (Orange Park)
  11. Haven Hospice Center (Orange Park)

DONATIONS WE ARE COLLECTING en 5941 Richard St Jacksonville, FL 32216

  • Abrigos de Adulto/ Adult Jackets
  • Cobijas/blanket
  • Alimentos enlatados
  • Arroz, pasta, etc.
  • Gift cards (Walmart/publix, etc)
  • Frijoles / beans
  • Café/ azucar/ Coffee/ Sugar
  • Harina/ Flour
  • Cepillos y pasta dental/ toothbrush/toothpaste
  • Jabon/ Shampu/ Soap/ Shampoo
  • Cookies
  • Cereal bars
  • hot chocolate (individually wrapped)
  • Toallas humedas desechables/ hand wipes
  • Desodorante/ Deodorant

A City Service Revolution is not an event, it is a culture. We know that infusing this culture into the DNA of the church will change the way we view the world and the perspective we have on the needs of the people around us. We hope that this wave of service will produce a movement that will run the length and breadth of the entire Body of Christ and raise up an army of people willing to embrace this mandate. We want to pro-actively reach out to the lost, the forgotten and those with the least resources to share a God who is passionately in love with them. We stand ready with one heart saying, “I will serve others and show them the hope they can have in Jesus.

Principles that define a service culture:

  1. We won’t continue to see a need and think, “this is someone else’s job.”
  2. We will stop saying, “It’s too big a challenge, there aren’t enough people, we’ll never make a difference, we don’t have the money.”
  3. It is true that we cannot do everything, but we will not let that thought stop us from doing what we can.
  4. We don’t want the people we serve to feel they owe us something. If we leave them with that feeling, we haven’t done a good job.
  5. We want to serve but without expecting recognition from people, since we prefer eternal reward.
  6. We are not satisfied with just lending a hand to those who need it most; we want to help people become more than winners.
  7. It is our desire to increase our capacity to give and to serve.